About VTTA

Welcome!  Thank you for checking us out!

We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, consisting of many volunteers who are dedicated to honoring American heroes and supporting American Veterans.  Please click on tabs below for more detail:

Here are some of our voluteers, on the stern of the historic ship Madaket, in Humboldt Bay Calfornia.  Left to right: Karen (our treasurer), Sofi (a board member), Chuck (our board chairman), and TJ (the web dude).


What do we do:

We basically imagine, design, build and recruit for projects that honor many American heroes.  Our projects can be viewed on our Projects Page.

Our staff consists entirely of volunteers, including Veterans returning to civilian life from combat.

The local VA is our preferred primary source for recruitment, counseling & monitoring. 

If specialized talent is required, but not yet available through the local VA, volunteers may be solicitied through alliances with local colleges and business groups.  Examples include:

  • 501(c)(3) legal services,
  • 501(c)(3) accounting and auditing services,
  • gold plating experts (for the Lincoln Hearse),
  • artistic design (for future project proposals),
  • website support (for this website).

Why do we do it:

We do it to remember those who sacrificed for our freedom, and to provide training for Veterans returning to civilian life from military service.  All donated funds are used to purchase supplies and pay necessary expenses.


Our mission is to honor American heroes and support Veterans transitioning from military service back to civilian life through projects that create and maintain memorials to those who’ve served, while providing transitional training for Veterans.  Frequently Veterans, especially those in combat, experience challenges when returning to civilian life that are made easier through participating in our projects, that have the following goals:

  • Promote public support for Diplomatic and Veterans War Memorials.
  • To honor the value and sacrifice of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen & Women, Marines, Intelligence and Diplomatic Corps of the United States who rendered faithful, loyal, heroic and self-sacrificing service at home and across the globe.
  • Inspire patriotism and an understanding of the value of National Service.
  • Inspire historical and educational activities that will spark interest and connection to future generations with these and the stories of those who have so honorably served our country.
  • Support the preservation and integrity of existing local Veterans & Service Memorials and provide input for the development of future Memorials sites as an important part of our National Heritage.
  • Provide information on the processes that can be used for planning, designing, fundraising, marketing and the maintenance of Veterans War Memorials.